Unlock savings with the Core Learning Subscription
Get 12 months discounted access to a tailored selection of bitesize and specialist courses, enabling you to stay ahead in an ever-changing world of work.
Unlock savings with the Core Learning Subscription
Get 12 months discounted access to a tailored selection of bitesize and specialist courses, enabling you to stay ahead in an ever-changing world of work.
Being an inclusive leader
£49.50 exc. VAT
Business acumen
£450.00 exc. VAT
Business partnering
£1,765.00 exc. VAT
Commercial drive
£450.00 exc. VAT
Critical thinking
£49.50 exc. VAT
Curating content for learning
£49.50 exc. VAT
Data and analytics for people professionals
£49.50 exc. VAT
Employee experience
£1,765.00 exc. VAT
Employee experience
£49.50 exc. VAT
Equality, diversity and inclusion
£49.50 exc. VAT
Equality, diversity and inclusion
£1,765.00 exc. VAT
Establishing positive culture and behaviours
£450.00 exc. VAT
Ethical practice
£450.00 exc. VAT
Evaluating learning and impact
£49.50 exc. VAT
Evidence-based practice
£49.50 exc. VAT
Exploring organisation design and development tools
£49.50 exc. VAT
Exploring reward
£49.50 exc. VAT
Fundamentals of organisation design
£450.00 exc. VAT
Fundamentals of organisation development
£450.00 exc. VAT
How to use AI responsibly in the workplace
£49.50 exc. VAT
HR in practice
£49.50 exc. VAT
Impactful L&D
£450.00 exc. VAT
Insights focused
£450.00 exc. VAT
Introduction to talent management
£450.00 exc. VAT
Leading organisational design and development
£1,765.00 exc. VAT
Learning needs analysis
£49.50 exc. VAT
Learning theories
£49.50 exc. VAT
Managing long-term absence
£49.50 exc. VAT
Managing the employee lifecycle
£49.50 exc. VAT
Meaningful work and organisational leadership
£49.50 exc. VAT
Menopause at work
£49.50 exc. VAT
Moral injury
£49.50 exc. VAT
Organisation development and meaningful work
£49.50 exc. VAT
Organisational design and meaningful work
£49.50 exc. VAT
Passion for learning
£450.00 exc. VAT
People analytics
£1,765.00 exc. VAT
People management
£1,765.00 exc. VAT
Professional courage and influence
£450.00 exc. VAT
Recruitment and selection
£49.50 exc. VAT
Restructuring, reorganisation and redundancy
£450.00 exc. VAT
Situational decision-making
£450.00 exc. VAT
Strategic workforce planning
£1,765.00 exc. VAT
Structures for organisation design
£49.50 exc. VAT
Sustainability in the workplace
£49.50 exc. VAT
Technology and people practice
£49.50 exc. VAT
The changing shape of L&D
£49.50 exc. VAT
The effective HR administrator
£49.50 exc. VAT
The principles of data protection
£49.50 exc. VAT
Theories of organisation design and development
£49.50 exc. VAT
Valuing learning from beyond the organisation
£49.50 exc. VAT
Valuing people
£450.00 exc. VAT
Virtual classroom design and delivery
£450.00 exc. VAT
Working inclusively
£450.00 exc. VAT
Workplace wellbeing
£49.50 exc. VAT